Monday, April 10, 2006

Yurok Culture Presentation

On Friday, I presented "Lesson 6" of the Chronological teaching. Right now my classmates and I are studying church planting and how to go about teaching the Bible Chronologically. Teaching chronologically means that you go through the Bible according to the order of the events. So when presenting the Bible to people who know nothing about God or His attributes and character, then starting at the beginning is the best idea. Laying the foundation of who God is and then presenting the need for Him is the purpose of chronological teaching. So my classmates and I where given a lesson to study and present audible. But it's not as easy as it sounds because my audience was not your typical American church, but instead the Yurok tribe. As a class we have been studying the Yurok culture to give us an idea of what it's like to study someone else's culture. So my homework assignment was to study "Lesson 6" which was when God created the land, sea, vegetation & plants, sun, moon and stars; and then apply to the Yurok culture. For example, when telling them (Yurok people) that God created the plants and trees, then I would point out a Redwood tree! This would be a specific example from their culture so they can apply what I am saying personally.
*Note: My classmates pretended to be Yurok people:-).
This was a great homework assignment because it gave me a realistic idea of how much time it takes to study someone else's culture. As well, it opened my eyes to the difficulties missionaries go through when presenting something that's so foreign and unknown to them which is God. His attributes and character are sometimes hard to grasp because His love is unconditional which is hard to to comprehend and then explain to people who are not of the same culture as you.

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