Friday, November 24, 2006

"Black Friday"

*What is "Black Friday"?

Supposedly "Black Friday" is the day when stores make up for all the bad sales throughout the year by having one really good sale.

*Why do I even know this?

Last night, I was one of those crazy people standing in line at Best Buy waiting for it to open @ 5:00 a.m.!!! I pretty much went for the experience, and all I have to say, is that it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that doesn't need to be repeated:-).

We left at 11:00p.m. Thursday night from Durham, Canada and arrived in Buffalo, New York at 2:30a.m. Friday morning, to be #200 in line!!!

The popular items at Best Buy were the laptops. Since there were only 20 laptops at discounted rates, being #200 in line was discouraging. So we stood in the line (in the cold) for 2.5 hours and came out with some cd's & dvd's. All in all, it was a shared experience I'll always have with those I went with:-).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had quite an adventure.. My mom turned me off to black friday long ago when I was a little girl...Sometimes I would get left behind in the crowd and be so lost while my mom was so invovled in whatever item she was looking for that she didn't even notice I was missing..Meanwhile all the other adults would just ignore me and push me w/ their bodies if I got in their way.... the reason I call it black friday is because everybody shopping on that day suddenly turns evil..Ha ha..J/k...but really I still don't like it to this day...I'm glad u were able to experience it w/ your pals in Canada..Can't wait to see ya. Love ya,
