Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
My apartment
First of all, this post is honor of my dear friend, Amanda Hemperly who is a missionary in Thailand and lovingly persistent to keep on me to finally post on my blog:-)!!
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1:55 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
C.N.A. Registration
I GOT IN!!!!!! ...and that is bigger news than you think. I was number six in line and I was the last one to get in; and as you can see, the line was out the door. There were probably 150 to 200 people in line and SIX people got in!! The C.N.A. (Certified Nurse Assistant) class is an R.O.P. (Regional Occupational Program) class that lets high school students into the program FIRST and then IF there's room, they let those who are in line first, in. I had no idea how small or big the class was and how few people they were letting in. I went the night before to check and see if people were starting to line up at 10:30p.m., and no one was there and then I went at midnight and one person was there; so I wasn't too worried, but decided to go earlier then planned. I planned to be there by 6:00 a.m., but instead I was there at 5:15 a.m. and boy am I glad:-)!!! Thank you to all of you who prayed for me that I would get. I definitely feel like God is watching over me and opening doors in this field.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
T.M.J. Update!
So this is the most recent picture I have of me. I went to a wedding last night, but I'm not going to post about the wedding, I'm giving you guys a T.M.J. update. First of all, T.M.J. stands for Temporal Mandibular Joints which are basically your jaw joints right in front of your ears.
Posted by
2:39 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Today we had breakfast on the beach at the Salt Creek Beach Park by the Ritz Carlton! It was mom, dad, Simon, me and Hanna (my cousin in the 2nd picture). We had a nice relaxing day.
We also stopped at the Montage Spa & Resort Hotel to check out the view:-)- beautiful!
Posted by
1:27 AM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
What have I been up to...
...I went sailing in San Diego last month. It is so peaceful and relaxing. Obviously I wasn't steering this sail boat alone, my dad, mom and 2nd cousin, Hanna, were with me.
No we didn't sail on the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' ship, but it would have been cool:-).
Posted by
1:27 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What's new...
So I've finally started my job at Wachovia Bank:-). The job is overwhelming since everything is so new and I have lots to learn. Please pray that I will learn quickly but more importantly that I will manage stress well. I have actually not been feeling too well lately, it might be due to stress or it might be something else. God is definitely taking me on a journey that is teaching me to take only one day at a time and trust that He really does know best. Thank you for praying for me when you think of it.
So here's a question for those of you who read my blog: what have you done lately that was fun? I haven't done anything like my cousin Brandon lately, who went to Iceland, but maybe sometime soon I'll be going to Hawaii to visit a friend:-). So post a comment about your fun activity.
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11:06 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
San Diego Training
So I'm am now working for Wachovia Bank. In 4 weeks I'll be a bank teller! Yea, four weeks of training!
The bright side to that 4 weeks of training is that it's in San Diego. Not only is Wachovia paying me for working, but they are also paying for my hotel, gas AND all my food while I'm here in San Diego. It's really quite a life, but a lonely life as I'm pretty much eating on my own and being away from friends and family. So if you think of me these next 4 weeks, please pray that the time will go by fast and that this alone time will be beneficial to my walk with God.
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12:31 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
So what's new with me...
I got new glasses!!! They are red frames and I love them:-)!! I also have a new car now too! It's a Toyota Corolla Wagon, 92' and it's in great shape:-). What I don't have yet, is a job! It's been hard to get someone to hire me when I'm not available to work on Mondays as I'm going to L.A. for my T.M.J. appointments. So please be praying that God will provide soon. I have 2 interviews this coming week, one with a bank and the other one is through a temp agency. As for my T.M.J., it's been getting better. I'm so glad that I'm finally able to see someone who can fix the problem. Thank you to all of you who continue to pray for me through this jaw problem, I appreciate your prayers tremendously:-).
Posted by
3:33 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I'm back home again in southern California! I've missed the palm trees and the ocean. I've been enjoying the luxury of having the beach so close to my house.
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6:54 PM