Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Health & Wellness Class

Our International Health & Wellness class finished last week. Our teacher was Faye Brown who has been a nurse for 30 years. We learned several practical things for the field. We learned about different diseases and the symptoms that come with a certain disease and then how to treat it. For example: malaria. Malaria would be a good thing to know how to treat and what the symptoms are, since it is so common for missionaries to get overseas.
The highlight of our learning was of course our labs! We learned how to give injections, how to check blood pressure and how to check the eardrums for ear infections. My classmates were excited to look into my ears since I have man-made eardrums. They said that my right eardrum looked like a sparkling diamond or a piece of aluminum foil, whereas normal eardrums don't sparkle at all! Pretty cool, aye? As for the injection, I was a little nervous being the recipient of the injection, but my partner, Amanda, did a superb job:-)!!! I didn't feel a thing!


Ben & Ruth said...

Nice Job Briell! :)

Katie said...

Looking good! We really enjoyed that class too!

Kim Tostada said...

You are a brave woman.. It's so neat that you are getting to learn a little bit of everything. I'm curious to know what type of shot u got.. and did u get to give shots too??

I got ur comment on Victor's blogg so thanks... and uhh stay warm and healthy.. Okay..

Luv ya lots, Kim

MoonGovernor said...

sounds like practicing on Matt helped!